
What if we told you that you could throw your tape away for good? Our new POD Ankle Brace is designed to provide all of the support an athlete would get from having their ankles taped, but with less of the nuisances tape can bring about.

POD stands for "Protection On Demand," and is designed to engage whenever an athlete's ankle gets into an "at risk" position, maximizing the athlete's natural range of motion. Whereas with tape, you often limit your natural range motion as a result of the movement-restricting rigidity of tape. Designed to improve heat regulation, this ankle brace provides compression like taping without the hassle time it takes to put on tape.

Another advantage of the POD Brace over tape: It doesn't loosen. Studies have revealed maximal losses in taping restriction for both inversion and eversion at 20 minutes into exercise. With the POD Ankle Brace, you can continue to play at the highest level without worry.
